Rhys our ninja baby was my first not regular pregnancy, in fact its one of those stories you hear about a friend of a friend. Or one that I would never believe was true except it happened to me. I have written this post years ago adding to it over time so it might be a bit all over the place.
1st Halloween - seemed appropriate that he go as a ninja |
One late February day in 2008 I slipped on the ice on my walk home from work and landed on my stomach. No big deal right? But two days previous I slipped on the ice on my way to work. I really should have know to stop walking to work and take a cab in the bad weather but what can I say, at times I might just be my worst enemy. After my second fall my tummy swelled up a little, but honestly I thought nothing about it and it seemed to go away after a few days.
Well, shortly after what appeared to be a relief of the stomach swelling the residing of the swelling stopped dead and stayed at the amount that it was at. I was starting to get concerned after it was mid March and still the swelling persisted. I was soon leaving on a international trip to visit my great friend who had been teaching abroad, so I wanted to find out what was up. So I walked into the doctor’s office on a mission.
The doctor looked at me and asked “could you be pregnant?” I was certain that I wasn't and told the doctor my reasons why: that I had been having ‘my regular period’, that I didn't have any symptoms, and most convincingly to me was that I had taken two pregnancy tests in the last few months just because ‘my regular period’ isn't as regular as one would like (with breaks lasting 2-3 months at a time regularly.) due to my issues I was certain that whenever I wanted to have children that it was going to be a long process that involved fertility treatments.
The doctor decided to be on the safe side and give my poor swollen tummy a feeling and to listen in. He, hearing nothing, asked about my family history of cancers and so put me into a meltdown. I was transferred over to the hospital to see a surgeon. Thankfully my wonderful fiancée was able to come with me. For an hour I waited thinking that I was going to be told that I was going to be going into surgery or something worse, praying that I was wrong, that I was pregnant. By the time I was finally able to see the doctor, I insisted that my fiancée was coming in the room with me. Even though the doctor asked several times if I really wanted him there, I knew that whatever the news was I was going to need the help and support from him.
Then the doctor brought us to a small room, asked why it was that we were thee to see a surgeon. After explaining everything she was happy to tell us that I was just pregnant and at most 20 weeks. She got out the Doppler and within a min we heard the heartbeat, then she booked us into an ultrasound for a week later three days before my vacation was suppose to start.
An hour before the ultrasound I got into my family doctor who measured me and said "your measuring 30 weeks, but you know twins run in your family" But my response was you only heard one heart beat. "I only looked for one, anyway you will know in an hour".
At the ultrasound the tech asked why there was such a rush on my case, I explained we needed to work out my due date and I was leaving to go to Japan in 3 days. Quickly she got quiet and said "oh honey, you are not going anywhere this week"
So after a long time of looking at the screen and not seeing anything that looked like a baby to me, she said to my fiancée you might want to sit down. 36 weeks 4 days. You have less then a month to get ready, due date of May 1st.
only ultrasound pic next to his going home pic with our family motto |
What happens when you find out you are going to be a parent in under a month? Panic, depression on some level, and okay this is happening time to get things done and ready.
I loved every second of my pregnancy hoping it would last forever. But our little man decided that April 27th was his day. It was a quick delivery, horrible back labor but I had a wonderful nurse who is my friend's mom who got me the epidural as quick as she could. From water breaking to having him in our arms was 5 mins shy of 5 hours. My future husband, and future mother-in-law were there by my side because my parents were on a business trip in the US. Because she doesn't have a daughter I think it was wonderful that she could be there with me.

So you ask, how can you not know? 2 negative pregnancy tests, loosing weight and getting smaller, "regular periods", and having no symptoms. After having another pregnancy that was completely opposite I to would have a hard time understanding how someone couldn't know. With my second pregnancy I found out at 3 weeks and 4 days, had morning sickness, felt early movement and was in maternity pants at 6 weeks. With Rhys I didn't even start to possibly show until 7 months, fooled 5 doctors into thinking that it was cancer and only a hospital blood test showed pregnancy. As it was it wasn't until the ultrasound that we knew how far along, because other doctors thought I was only 20 weeks. Ninja Rhys still surprises us every day, I think it comes with the territory of being a ninja.
If you have any questions or are just curious about it all feel free to ask, like I said I have been writing this post on and off for a few years and I might have forgotten something. I find when people first find out about Rhys I get a lot of questions.