Miss Gwen had AVT (audio verbal therapy) today and she was made to work hard, so much so she passed out before I left the parking space at the hospital. We have homework, she has to be encouraged to verbally respond when its her turn to verbally engage us.
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Gwen using her shirt as a crumb catcher |
So lots of repeating games and sounds and correcting her.
I'm getting tired just thinking about it, but you got to do what you got to for your kids. We know the HA are helping, we just need to push her language development and try to get her to catch up and stay on par with other kids her age.
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Gwen blowing kisses |
Things can never be easy for the girls can they?
Can't have a pity party, they are doing well, they are alive. But some days, scratch that, most days I wish things were easier for them- different. Poor Gwen doesn't know any better, but I do. No child should have to fight to live, breath, grow, learn. After living through something like this, you never ever take the simple things for granted.
She is developing language skills, she is a happy energetic little girl. Most kids with ANSD don't like to engage people. Most of them like to keep to themselves and not try to engage others, living in their own little world.
Gwen going to her appointment today |
Not Gwen.
Gwen loves to be involved with everything. Gwen loves to babel back, sing, clap, dance, and smile. Oh how she loves to smile.
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Gwen's first time in the little people chair |
How would things be different for Gwen without ANSD?
Would she be as talkative as Avery and as Rhys was at their age?
Would she feel outnumbered, her voice lost in the commotion of my concern over Rhys being the eldest and only boy or Avery's blood pressure and paralyzed vocal cord?
I doubt it.
Gwen is Gwen and I can't live in the "what ifs". Gwen has ANSD, and needs HA. Hopefully that is all she will need, we shouldn't be concerned that she needs the help. We should be happy that she is getting the help that she needs and that we might be able to avoid surgery and CI's. But if we need to go that route, I know that she will be given the best care possible, and we will work so hard to help her in her journey to language and hearing.
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Happy HAed Gwen during breakfast |