

Monday, 18 November 2013

30th birthday prep

Matthew is turning 30 this Friday. I keep thinking how crazy the girls have grown, but he his preemie #1 in this house and has changed greatly. I have seen earlier pics, but his mom isn't a fan of those so I only have copies of him nearing the end of the NICU stay.

home a week 
Nearing going home from the NICU 

going home day 

Rhys has the blue and white blanket from when he was a baby, and Avery was in the same cot as her daddy when she moved out of her incubator.  

But anyways, I am reminded how much the girls have changed and can imagine how Matthew's parents are feeling nearing this milestones. 

So now I'm planing his birthday party and looking back at how much he has grown. I am so thankful everyday for his doctors and nurses, some even took care of the girls. But without them trying to save Matthew 30 years ago, the kids wouldn't exist. 

Another wonderful pic I have is one of him and Avery's godmother (Matthew's cousin who is 3 months older then him) 

you can tell how tiny he was next to her
two of them on other side of me in 2012 he has caught up in size

Sunday, 17 November 2013

World Prematurity Day

Today is world prematurity day, and I commemorate it with my babies

This video was done at the half way mark of the girls NICU stay...

Just shy of two years has changed a lot in them. I can't believe how much they have changed