

Friday, 30 August 2013

Halloween & first days of school

So school and Halloween are coming up. We have the girls costumes already but still have to get Rhys'.

As geeks we take costuming to a bit of an extreme. I acknowledge this.

Rhys has been a Ninja
Oct 2008

a Lion (it was the month we got married, I can be forgiven for falling short on this one)

Oct 2009

a pirate (and yes that is a parrot on his shoulder)

Oct 2010

he redid the pirate in 2011, which was upsetting to me. I was willing to make/buy a different costume but he refused. 

and Thor (with Avery as Wonder Woman & Gwen as Super Girl)
Oct 2012

the girls re wore it at the convention in April 2013

Rhys is asking for another Super Hero, not going to say who just because I know we can do it, it just is going to be way to cold! It is October in Newfoundland. So we will be going to the Halloween store in the next week to see what he will be. 

And he starts school in 6 days... oh my! 

I need to come up with a yearly first school day tradition between now and then. Suggestions?

There will definitely be pictures. Lots of pictures! 

My first day 1989

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