

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


The kids have been sick to various degrees.

Rhys is obsessed with the Avengers, and got a toy bow and arrow set from my mom. He's also going around setting up booby traps.

Gwen ended up needing to go into the ER and she has pneumonia but that will be a latter post.

Avery also started climbing the stairs yesterday, need to find a gate that works (we have tried 3 so far but none seems to work)

But here are pics from St. Patrick's day

Gwen showing off playing while drinking 

Teething with pneumonia is no fun!  

Rhys is on an Avengers kick 

Avery is loving her skirt 

Gwen decided that she needed to be in front of Avery

"Can't see her mom!"

Playing together 

"Hi mom!"

first taste 

on tiptoe to get more 

wont let go of pop


Gwen just wanted to play with nana's purse 

are you saying I can't get this open?

I know it -does- open

last snuggle with Nan before their trip

if I take her bag, she can't go!

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