

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

blood pressure and Avery

Avery had her nephrology appointment today. Her nephrologist travels in from Nova Scota twice a year, and he is happy with how she did. He wants her blood pressure checked in November at her pedi appointment and he will see her again in the spring.

He also said that they will keep a close eye on her blood pressure at 7 years old until she hits puberty due to a reappearance in blood pressure issues.

Avery Sept 2013

We bumped into some NICU buddies all in for appointments. The Nephroligy day is a busy one, because something like 50% of pre 32 weekers will have high blood pressure when they hit term. And its getting caught more frequently in our NICU with a lot more pre 27 weekers staying in hospital past term. Avery would have been discharged before her diagnoses if she was a singleton but thanks to Gwen's O2 habit she got caught early and on meds right away.  

While in the hospital, we dropped by physio to let them know that she isn't walking on her feet yet. Miss Ave will walk around on her knees and if she takes your hands she toe walks, I did too as a child. I'm not that concerned, but its better to get it addressed and it be nothing then not and wish we did earlier. That, and it will reassure some family members. So she is getting seen next week.

Not looking forward to the fact that I added to the craziness that is the end of Sept appointments, but what can you do as a preemie parent?

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