

Friday, 20 September 2013

Eye appointment

Both girls had their followup eye appointment today and nana Joyce came along too. It was the quick one, no drops or anything. Gwen was great and was in and out in under 5 min.



Well, Avery is a different story. She has this fear of the outpatient clinics now and freaks out when she goes into one. So after coaxing her into looking for the test she did as well as can be expected. She is still slightly nearsighted and will continue the trend, we don't know if she is much more nearsighted but we know that she still is. Joys of her genetics not being premature.

Avery with the parent she takes the most after.... well, physically 

Now we don't need to go back until March 2014, when they will be getting their drops again. The long appointment.

Next up? Physio for Avery next week.

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